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Catalog page 04: Thumbnails directory over all videos on .

Rolling resistance tires Rolling resistance tires
Michelin demonstrates the effect of the rolling resistance. They let one car with Michelin energy saver and an other car with standard tires down a ramp.

Revelation of the IAA 2007 fair sensation Revelation of the IAA 2007 fair sensation
2 dancers make a show in front of the veiled fair sensation on Segway scooters. At the end of the performance, the sensation is disclosed for the big public.

Volvo Interview Plug-in-Hybrid Volvo Interview Plug-in-Hybrid
VMCC - Volvo Car Cooperation - Monitoring and Concept Center, Ichiro Sugioka Ph.D speaks about Plug-in-Hybrid cars and vehicle to Grid. 8 minutes Video from the IAA 2007.

Anti slide mat Anti slide mat
The mobile falls down. After the search in the legroom, the last seen was a big oncoming truck... So that nothing skids wild through the car, there is a world novelty.

Test driving at the place at the old synagogue Test driving at the place at the old synagogue
6 persons on their first test drive on a Vectrix electric scooter in front of the place at the old synagogue. Who has no motorcycle criving licence is give an lift by the personal.