Video catalog -

Catalog page 02: Thumbnails directory over all videos on .

BYD E6 in Detroit BYD E6 in Detroit
The future of the car powered by solar and wind electric power. Enjoy car driving without becoming an accessory to climate change. A dream came true! BYD - Built Your Dreams!

Elmoto HR2 in hilly Stuttgart Elmoto HR2 in hilly Stuttgart
Much surprised was the vendor about my fair report. It will not be possible to reconstruct what was with the 2 vehicles on the fair.

Limit winter tires for scooters on snow Limit winter tires for scooters on snow
At the bridge over the Königssee Ache, the limits of winter tires are shown. The electric scooter stops at the last part of the access way.

Electric column instead of parking meter Electric column instead of parking meter
A video from the every day life of a car driver in the future. Instead of coins in the parling meter, open with the ID-card the access to the electric power plugs at the electric colnumn.

Test drive of an ÖAMTC staff Test drive of an ÖAMTC staff
After our driving teacher makes also an other staff of the driving security center a test drive. He means, the under carriage of a BMW motorcycle is better.