Photo directory - - 006

Catalog page 006: Thumbnails directory over all photos and pictures on . Most originals are available in high resolution.

Hellbrunn parking lot: no electric outlets
I have to drive 2 times to Hellbrunn to bring both children there. At home, I can recharge before the first drive 257 Wh and 175 Wh before the second drive. Customer visit
On the journey back a visit at interior designer Milo. While last details at his new web site are corrected, the electric scooter is attached to the charger. Recharge chain: recharge always
While I watch the test drive event, my electric scooter is at the school recharged. Departure with 12466.a km, customer visit at GIFAS, 862 Wh recharge. Test drive at schools
Other dealer vail about drastic decreased scooter sells. On the other hand, Deinlein makes presentations at schools for his customers of tomorrow. Lower secondary school  Neumarkt am Wallersee
March 18th pupils of the higher school classes in the lower secondary school tested the entrance in electric mobility: electric scooters. Sledding near Neu Anif
I bring one after the other both children to the sledding hill at Neu Anif. My wife walked in the mean time to this place. Guitar lesson in Grödig
This would have been unthinkable autumn 2006. My wife would have forbidden to transport children on the scooter at temperatures below 10 degree Celsius. Detour refuel
The next gasolin station would have been ESSO Leikermoser. But they print only  bills on thermal paper. So I have to drive since years further to Anif to refuel. Only 30km range in the tank
February 24th, the main street is covered with slush and ice. After a short test drive, I decide to drive with the car to Eugendorf. Ice street
The feet short above the ground. Only in this way a sliding front wheel can be corrected. Until the feet are from the scooter to the ground, it is to late. Limit winter tires for scooters on snow
At the bridge over the Königssee Ache, the limits of winter tires are shown. The electric scooter stops at the last part of the access way. Winter spreading goes north
February 2nd, 4 motorcyles in front of the shopping center. When the 2 stroke rattle stinks are not stoped soon, it will be very expensive to pay scraping bonus for them. As long as the main street has a scooter track
On the way back from Eugendorf was the snow also on the main street, but only in the middle. As long as there is a half meter without snow, it's no problem to drive. Visit a customer despite snow with the scooter
As long as the snow is only on the side streets and parking spaces, it is with winter tires no problem to drive with the electric scooter. Car ads in the next oil crisis
Why exacerbate climate change by burning expensive oil products, when you can power your car with inexpensive and environmentally friendly solar electric power? Prognosis car ads in the next oil crisis
We show today how the placards for cars will look like in the next oil crisis. The price of oil and electric power as the main theme of advertising. Vacuum assist for electric propulsion
The old fashioned vacuum assist only working when the ICE is running is an anachronism, an obstacle to change a car to electric propulsion. Here a modern solution. GM vice president Bob Lutz against Volt
Bob Lutz: Mainly because of high costs and small range can battery cars not compete with gasoline and diesel vehicles. Greepeace demonstration without communication
Again and again, I tried until the end of the demonstration to discuss with the Greenpeace activists. Regretfully, all my efforts had been unavailing. Greenpeace BMW Mini
1993, Robert Santner introduced the GEMINI house planned by PEGE to Greenpeace in Vienna. The energy speaker of Greenpeace anwered at this time: Greenpeace vs electric cars
Since 1992, PEGE publishes about electric mobility, the princip of 2 phase change, about houses producing enough electric power by solar energy to support also mobility. Greenpeace for solar duty?
Solar duty for new buildings! In 10 years can the whole amount of electric power for electric mobility  be produced with photovoltaic! Greenpeace vs rattle stink scooters?
Electric scooters are state of the technic in the 45km/h class, so forbid authorization for gasoline scooters, ban driving of gasoline scooters in environment zones. Refuel column for electric cars
At the begin and the end of the charging, it is necessary to hold the id-card to the column. So a flap over the plugs can be opened. Electric column instead of parking meter
A video from the every day life of a car driver in the future. Instead of coins in the parling meter, open with the ID-card the access to the electric power plugs at the electric colnumn. Wheel hub engine for electric scooters
This wheel hub engine has 5500 Watt. Enough to bring an electric scooter to 82 km/h. 4 of this engines would bring a light small car a good road performance. Commuter vehicle
The next oil price explosion comes probable before electric cars are in sufficient numbers available. This 82km/h fast electric scooter with 5,5 kW power is a solution. Mass suitable electric vehicles
While the other exhibits by price or target group are only for a narrow market, this electric scooters are effordable electric mobility for anyone. BMW Mini plug
Only a 230V connection. At the usual 16A fuse, is the load speed only around 20km/h. Until the 35 kWh lithium batteries are full, about 12 hours to wait. BMW Mini luaggage department
The first version of the BMW Mini electric car has only 2 seats. The batteries take the place of the rear seats. Behind is only place for a briefcase.