Spain travel journal

Table of contents about all our records of jouneys to Spain.

Murcia town - capital of the region Murcia Murcia town - capital of the region Murcia
With briefly over 1/3 million inhabitants Murcia is the busy capital of the region Murcia.

La Manga region Murcia Spain La Manga region Murcia Spain
The tourism town La Manga - the sleeve, is a narrow piece of land which the Mediterranean Sea in the east of the very much level lagoon Mar Menor Sea in the west distinguishes.

Region Murcia in the south of Spain Region Murcia in the south of Spain
Impressions from the sunny south of Spain in the region Murcia.

Spain barcelona Spain barcelona
Sightseeing in Barcelona middle August 2002. Panoramas from different locations, the first submarine and stgrange parking regulations.

  Journey planing - reports about journeys

Planing a secure long distance journey with the car and reports about journeys to Austria, Italy, San Marino, France and Spain.

France travel journal
Table of contents about all our records of jouneys to France.

Italy travel journal
Table of contents about all our records of jouneys to Italy.

Austria Salzburg travel journal
Table of contents about all our records of jouneys to the region Salzburg in Austria.

Context description:  Spain
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