Austria Salzburg travel journal

Table of contents about all our records of jouneys to the region Salzburg in Austria.

Family ski region Dachstein West: Solar Alm Family ski region Dachstein West:  Solar Alm
Briefly below the Zwieselalm fully in the deep-standing postmidday sun, the solar alp loads to stay one.

Austria skiing area Dachstein West: mountain panorama Austria skiing area Dachstein West:  mountain panorama
Before an impressive mountain panorama it goes down to the valley station of the Zwieselalm chairlift 2.

Family skiing area Dachstein West: Falmberg panorama Family skiing area Dachstein West:  Falmberg panorama
By the climbing out from the mountain Falmberg, T-bar lift , one can decide between Russbach Gosau in the one and Zwieselalm and Annaberg in other direction.

Sking in Salzburg: Dachstein West: Gosau or Annaberg Sking in Salzburg: Dachstein West:  Gosau or Annaberg
The departure 11 goes again down to the valley station of the Hornbahn, but we want to Annaberg over. Thus departure 2 about the level connecting piece to the lift Falmberg.

Dachstein West - the family ski area Dachstein West - the family ski area
Photos of a ski tour of 3 hour on Saturday 20th December, 2003 from the 8 person gondola Hornbahn in Russbach up to the Rauhenberg parking lot at Annaberg.

  Journey planing - reports about journeys

Planing a secure long distance journey with the car and reports about journeys to Austria, Italy, San Marino, France and Spain.

France travel journal
Table of contents about all our records of jouneys to France.

Italy travel journal
Table of contents about all our records of jouneys to Italy.

Spain travel journal
Table of contents about all our records of jouneys to Spain.

Context description:  Salzburg Austria Austrian
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