France travel journal

Table of contents about all our records of jouneys to France.

Cannes festival center panorama Cannes festival center panorama
Panorama photo of the film festival center in Cannes. As for the photo ordered just a noble limousine parks before it.

Carousel in the well-know beach in Cannes Carousel in the well-know beach in Cannes
Close to the festival building is an old carousel with a lot of interesting details.

Bicycle police in Cannes Bicycle police in Cannes
The bicycle policemen appear completely astonishing there. So fast that I can photograph them only from the back. Such surprises are probably a horror for crooks.

Yachts in the bay of Cannes Yachts in the bay of Cannes
Finally, the first impression after we have found a parking lot in shore street the numerous luxurious yachts in the bay of Cannes.

Cannes film festival town at the Mediterranean Sea Cannes film festival town at the Mediterranean Sea
At our return journey from Spain to Austria, we took the opportunity to visit the most prominent paert of Cannes. Photos of the prominent beach around the film festival center.

  Journey planing - reports about journeys

Planing a secure long distance journey with the car and reports about journeys to Austria, Italy, San Marino, France and Spain.

Italy travel journal
Table of contents about all our records of jouneys to Italy.

Spain travel journal
Table of contents about all our records of jouneys to Spain.

Austria Salzburg travel journal
Table of contents about all our records of jouneys to the region Salzburg in Austria.

Context description:  Frannce
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