City vehicle

Directory over all our reports about city cars. All our articles small vehicles for the urban area and around the urban area.

Tata Nano Tata Nano
A big contribution for traffic security delivers Tata with the Nano. Who has ever transported wife and 2 children on a scooter will sure agree with this.

City car with integrated photovoltaic City car with integrated photovoltaic
Surprise from Venturi, instead of a super sports car, they show this year a 3 seat city car, which will be produced in a limited edition of 200 vehicles for 24.000,-EUR each.

Light car Free Dug von Ducati Energia Light car Free Dug von Ducati Energia
Absolut minimalism, but on the other side for only 6000.-EUR presents Ducati Energia this compact light car Free Dug. Compared with this, even the Smart is a big car.

Twike Cabrio Twike Cabrio
Because the electronics would eventual suffer more from rain than the driver, this open Twike is only to show in the halls of fairs.

Startlab city-car Startlab city-car
170 kg sealed lead acid battereis are only enough for 65km range. Therefor a product for a minority satisfied with this possibilities.

Interior of Venturi city car Interior of Venturi city car
2,5 m² photovoltaic with 330 Watt peak makes it possible to use most of the time solar energy from the car roof only.

CityEl tests Kokam Lithium Polymer batteries CityEl tests Kokam Lithium Polymer batteries
From both sides confirmed: CityEl tests just right now lithium polymer batteries from Kokam. Alone 50kg less weight will give the CityEl more temprament.

Twike test drives Twike test drives
Visitors had the opportunity for a test drive as front seat passenger on the cabrio Twike. 2 rounds at each test drive on the small test area in the fair hall. Video (4.75MB).

Twike technic Twike technic
At the Twike exhibition model are the batteries good to see. Each of the black boxes with the 2 fans is a battery pack.

Sightseeing with CityEl Sightseeing with CityEl
With the exhibits for the fair, the harbor-promenade becomes in the evening in Monaco viewed. I can confirm: with a bigger car no chance on a parking place.

CityEl in Monaco CityEl in Monaco
Dramatic consumption-lowering of the new CityEl. The new FactFour requires only 3,5 to 5 kWhs on 100km opposite 7 to 9 kWhs with the old model.

CityEl instruments CityEl instruments
Photo from the instruments of an CityEl, a single seat electric car for the city traffic.

CityEl with 4 batteries CityEl with 4 batteries
The newer model has a compact electric engine left in the pictture. So there is now place for 4 batteries behind the drivers seat.

CityEl Austria CityEl Austria
It's possible to save much money with the CityEl compared to a car, if someone is mostly underway in the municipal area.

Engine and batteries in rear Engine and batteries in rear
6 of the 8 Nickel Cadmium batteries are together with the engine in the rear part. The remaining 2 NiCd batteries are in the front luggage boot.

Solar resarch car Solar resarch car
A car and a solar filling station. We are just before the turning point where mineral oil is much more expensive than electric power from the sun.

Meeting of generations Meeting of generations
Every fan of electric cars know the City-El, for the distribution chiefs of IO-scooter and E-Max was the City-El an unknown oldtimer estimated for the end of the 1980 decade.

  Car and vehicle classification

Directory over all our reports about vehicles of different classes. Organisation of our reports about cars and 2 wheel vehicles in different classes.

Sport cars
Directory over all our reports about sport cars. All our articles about sporting cars.

Middle sized cars
Directory over all our reports about middle sized cars. All our articles about medium sized cars.

Subcompact cars
Directory over all our reports about mini sized cars. All our articles about subcompact cars.

Maxi scooter
Directory over all our reports about Maxi scooters. All our articles about a maxi scooter.

Directory over all our reports about scooters. All our articles about a scooter.

Scooter drive system
Modern up to date drive technic for scooters. All our reports about the drive of scooters.

Scooter battery
Batteries used in a scooter. All our reports about battery technic in scooters.

Scooter charge
Charging the batteries of a scooter. Allour reports about chargers and problems at charging the battery of a scooter.

Scooter instruments
Design and function of the instruments of a scooter. All our reports about the instrumens of a scooter.

Scooter lifestyle
Lifestyle with scooters. All our reports about lifestyle with a scooter.

Scooter nostalgia in retro design
Modern technic wrapped in the design from the fifties of the 20th century. Directory over all our reports about retro design scooters..

Scooter accessories
Accessories for scooters. All our reports about an accessory for a scooter.

Transport and shopping with a scooter
The scooter as a transporter for shopping. Tips and tricks what is possible to transport on a scooter.

Mofa - slow small scooter
Mofa is the German name for a slow and small scooter. Mostly limited to 25km/h. All our reports about such limited scooters.

Directory over all our reports about bicycles. All our articles about a bicycle.

Directory over all our reports about transporters. All our articles about a transporter.

All our reports over electro-karts, hydrogen-karts and fuel-cell-karts. Karts of the new type, which makes racing without noise and exhaust fume possible.

All our reports over electric quads. Quads of a new sort making terrain driving without noise and exhaust fume possible.

Context description:  city urban traffic citytraffic urbantraffic small short distance car cars vehicle vehicles
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