Electric scooters in China

While driving on an electric scooter and telling you what it's like to be married to a Chinese woman, you'll see a huge amount of electric scooters in a Chinese city for 13 minutes.

Since 2007, the production of electric scooters has been around 30 million per year. In big cities just a lot faster than a car.


News and statements on current topics concerning the energy transition, climate protection and the necessary development towards worldwide wealth.

Bloomberg forecast of battery production
Here to the Bloomberg article. What would it be like to continue this prognosis until 2021 in the distant future by 2030 and a few years later?

IAA Frankfurt 2017 no thanks! IAA Frankfurt 2017 no thanks!
2015 Omerta, the wall of silence to the real consumption of the plug-in hybrids. As long as there are not enough new exhibitors, the IAA is uninteresting.