Electric mobility - China and BYD

To take the need to phase out the oil, the transition to electric mobility seriously, steer the country in the right direction. Model BYD and China.

  BYD Built Your Dreams 2011 News and analysis

On the way to the main car manufacturers in the world. News and analysis about BYD in 2011 our dreams of building a durable environmentally friendly mobility.

BYD e6 taxi fleet test in Shenzhen BYD e6 taxi fleet test in Shenzhen
In a year the fleet of 50 taxis drove test 2.77 million km. Individual taxis arrived here 100 thousand km. No loss despite constant rapid charging.

BYD electric bus 12 BYD electric bus 12
324 kWh batteries which are charged in 3 hours. Range 250 to 300 km. August 2011 a further 300 buses to be delivered in Shenzhen.