Development stop at the ICE internal combustion engine

After the lead acid battery killed the first electric cars, they had for a century in cars with internal combustion engines an insignificant secondary role as SLI battery.

  Sorry, the secondary role is not so unimportant

As unimportant as this secondary role seems to be, even here, the inadequacy of the lead acid battery caused an development stop. Look at a red traffic light, there are the cars with running engine.

Depending on car type is the standby energy usage of an ICE 5 to 25 kW. Here we enrage about 5 to 10 Watt standby power usage at electric appliances, make EU-laws to reduce the consumption. A television with more than 1 Watt standby is soon forbidden to sell in the EU. But there are cars standing at a red traffic light with 5000 to 25000 standby consumption.

  This is madness caused by lead acid batteries

How much gasoline and diesel could be saved alone at the traffic lights. Simple stop the engine and start when the traffic light changes to green. Who says, this can not be a problem obviously does not know the problems of lead acid batteries. They make problems starting so often.

And who supplies light, radio, windscreen wipers and blower as long as the ICE is turned off and the dynamo delivers no electricity? Batteries designed only for high starting power do not like often discharge, charge cycles. If the lead acit battery would be better, even the Ford-T would have had a start stop automatic.

I have driven first tme 1983 about 400m electric with a normal VW Passt LS from 1979. Only with starter and battery. Instead of the starter an electric engine before the clutch, the mild hybrid princip, could have saved since decades much fuel in city traffic. But the wearing down of the lead acid battery is for this systems much to high.

  Lead acid battery: discontinued model like the tube

The tube had been replaced by the transistor. We just experience the replacement of the picture tube by flat screens. The next discontinued model is the lead acid battery.

Who killed the electric car
The lead acid battery! The first electric cars had been in the time of the wild west. The quality of lead acid batteries brought them an undeserved end.

More comfort brings breakdowns
More comfprt brings more electric consumption in the car. The statistic of breakdowns shows that the lead acid battery is overstrained with this, more and more breakdowns are cause by the SLI battery.

Electric scooter: the 2000 km question
Every good dealer will ask You at the consultation: how many km a year do You drive per year. At more than 2000km a year, he will recommend lithium batteries.

Fall in prices at tube televisions Fall in prices at tube televisions
Who had thought, 20 years ago, a 55cm color television will be for 99,90 EUR as a fast moving consumer good in a supermarket. How can a producer earn money with this?

Context description:  lead acid battery batteries evaluation evaluations analysis event events date time