Electric scooter: the 2000 km questionEvery good dealer will ask You at the consultation: how many km a year do You drive per year. At more than 2000km a year, he will recommend lithium batteries.In the moment, the extra charge for lithium batteries is still severe. 1000.-EUR to 1500,-EUR more than for the same model with lead acid batteries. But the price difference will decrease radical.
At electric scooters is the electric power consumption the smallest problem. Much more interesting are the used up batteries after 4000 to 8000km. At 45km/h scooters are 40 Ah and 48 Volt usual. 50 kg lead acid batteries scraped by ridiculous 4000 to 8000 km. Only 80 to 160 full load cycles instead of 300 in the technical data? In vehicles, batteries are used in the range of maximal abuse. The abuse starts when a 3500 Watt scooters drains more than 400 Watt from the battery.
There are no experience values from the practice. For this, even the service life of current lithium batteries is to long. Current usual lithium batteries are listed with 1000 to 3000 full load dycles. Thundersky performed a test with 3000 cycles. 1 hour charging, 20 minutes for discharging. This is a test where even the best lead acid battery would nor survive 30 cycles, because so high charge and discharge currents is a real extreme abuse of lead acid batteries.
The people driving few will use the first 3 to 4 years a lead acid battery. When this battery is scrapped, they will change to lithium batteries. The other sort are the people driving much and starting with lithium batteries. |