Round track first time 100km/h on the tacho

After the first exercise with the narrow curves, we drive behind the driving teacher the wohle course. After some rounds beind the driving teacher aline.

Round track first time 100km/h on the tacho
After the first exercise with the narrow curves, we drive behind the driving teacher the wohle course. After some rounds beind the driving teacher aline.

From the big circle in the direction Brandlhof is a little part downhill. Here I see for the first time 100km/h on the tacho of an electric scooter,though the straight line is not very long. Postscript: because wrong Tachometer maybe only 80.

  Training for the driving license 125 ccm 11 kW motorcycles

Premiere September 26th at the driving security center Saalfelden. The traing for the B111 driving license upgrade (motorcycles up to 11 kW up to 125 ccm) with an electric scooter.

Solar Scooter sport Solar Scooter sport
I am not yet allowed to drive it myself. So the scooter for the driving license training is brought per trailer from Mr.Schönaigner in Bad Hofgastein to the Brandlhof.

Exercise narrow curves with the motorcycle Exercise narrow curves with the motorcycle
The dricing training starts with narrow curves. Here it is harmlessly to drive over the kerb, because it's only a white mark on the road. Video (3MB).

Slalom with the motorcycle Slalom with the motorcycle
Next exercise slalom. After some full rounds, I check the temperature of wheel hub engine and controller. Just lukewarm.

Exercise on the circle track Exercise on the circle track
Eyes as horizontal as possible, look far into the curve, drive in the middle of the road. The exercise had bee some runds left and some round right in the circle.

Recharge in the lunch break Recharge in the lunch break
There can only remain one hour training after the lunch brake and until now only 28km driven. But what is when some ÖAMTC staff or participants want to test drive some fast rounds?

Premiere in the driving security center Brandlhof Premiere in the driving security center Brandlhof
For the first time, the driving license training for 11 kW 125 ccm motorcycles is completed on an electric scooters. Left the driving trainer Hannes, right Roland Mösl in a solar scooter sport.

Emergency brake with the motorcycle Emergency brake with the motorcycle
An emergency brake is at the motorcycle far more difficult than at a car. In the last exercise, I brake first with 40 km/h, two times with 50 km/h and two times with 60 km/h.

Test drive of an ÖAMTC staff Test drive of an ÖAMTC staff
After our driving teacher makes also an other staff of the driving security center a test drive. He means, the under carriage of a BMW motorcycle is better.

Confirmation for the B111 driving license upgrade Confirmation for the B111 driving license upgrade
At the end of the training, all 9 Teilnehmer receive a confirmation. With this confirmation, the district government issues an upgraded driving license with B111.

Video (19 MB)

Context description:  fast electric scooter scooters motorcycle motorcyles two 2 wheel vehicles driving license training 11 kw 11kw 125 ccm 125ccm Austria Saalfelden center Brandlhof öamtc SAMTC event events date time month 9 Sep Sept September summer autumn fall