Plug-in Hybrid serial production starts

Monday December 15th: BYD announces the start of the mass production of the plug-in hybrid car BYD F3DM. The sales price in China is $22.000 (15.000 EUR).

  What a triumph

GM General Motors, Chrysler, Ford just hope for a credit from US government. GM and Chrysler right away endangered by insolvency. The misbelief for decades tha crude oil is cheap and eternal and has never nothing to do with climate change takes his tribut.

  Until 2011 in the USA

Wang says "U.S. sales of the F3 DM will likely start in 2011. They may begin earlier if the company can complete the necessary regulatory steps more quickly than expected".

What will be 2011? I expect the next oil price explosion between 2010 and 2011. Endures the recession longer, the decreasing oil production will lead 2011 to a new oil price rise. At a success to end recession faster, increasing demand can cause the next oil price explosion 2010 and 2011 the next recession caused by the next oil price shock.

  Fossil recession - Plug-in Hybrid as solution

We just experience the first fossil recession. Our very labil economic system did not stand the rise of the oil price caused by peak oil. The demand for curde oil and the price crashed so hard, that no new cosly oil wlls are possible to develop.

There is only one escape from fossil recession: Electric power from sun and wind and cars able to drive with this.

BYD - Built Your Dreams, the dream not to be an accessary at the climate change, the dream to do all every day drives with cheap solar electric power.

  News about car, traffic and mobility 2008

Comments, background information and calculations daily acutal to messages around car, traffic and mobility.

Photovoltaic cheaper than gasoline
Let's imagine, Chrysler would have the Sebring Sedan as a plug-in hybrid car. Chrysler would instead of ''Let's refuel America'' start an action ''CO2 free mobility''..

From where the electricity for plug-in hybrid and electric cars
In an actual press release is the question, from where comes the electric power for our future plug-in hybrid and electric cars. Here the surprising answer.

Germany: 162 Mt CO2 in street traffic can be reduced by 230 Mt
No, no typing mistake, no editor with 3 per mill at the keyboard, 230 Millionen tons is the theoretical maximum of CO2 reduction by making electric power out of fuel.

BYD for battle price on the home market
BYD announced to bring the f3DM until end of the year for US$14600 to US$19000 on the chinese home market. A revolution is announced.

GM Opel: future destroied
Who comes to late is punished by live. GM had already 1996 with the EV1 an electric car. But this had been taken away from the people leasing it and demolished.

Chrysler gasoline price guarantee
Chrysler offers all car purchasers of selected types to pay only $2,99 per gallone. What the gasoline costs more pays Chrysler. Estimation of the costs with an example.

VW Martin Winterkorn and the electric car
Guessing game about an interview with Dr. Martin Winterkorn. Is it his intention to dicredit the electric car by mentioning nuclear energy, or does he really not knwo the facts?

Franz Alt and the hydrogen refueling station
In his newsletter from September 2008, Franz Alt asks: ''Who builts the hydrogen refueling stations''. But the more important question remains unanswered: For what?

Context description:  event events date time month 12 Dec December autumn fall winter 2008-12-15 China chinese BYD F3 Dm F3dm Dual mode electric car hybrid cars Plug-in Hybrid
event 2008