Germany projects only 1 million cars with electric drive until 2020. A little bit more than 2%. It's time that Germany awakes from the illusion to have eternal time.
Tesla first owner in Germany
Juwi-founder and corporate governance Matthias Willenbacher with the first in Europe for public roads certified Tesla. Right a CdTe Cadmium Tellurit photovoltaic from First Solar.
First Solar in Germany by Juwi
Matthias Willenbacher, founder of Juwi is not only the first Tesla owner in Germany, he brings also the cheap First Solar CdTe thin film cells to Germany.
Smart electric car
No version with lithium batteries, but with Natrium Nickelchlorid was the Smart exhibited in Berlin.
BMW Mini electric engine department
150 kW or 204 PS have to be managed, the required engine controller dominates the motor department.
BMW Mini luaggage department
The first version of the BMW Mini electric car has only 2 seats. The batteries take the place of the rear seats. Behind is only place for a briefcase.
BMW Mini plug
Only a 230V connection. At the usual 16A fuse, is the load speed only around 20km/h. Until the 35 kWh lithium batteries are full, about 12 hours to wait.
BMW vs BYD: The duell starts
According to the legend tells, that the chief of BYD has seen during an jounrey to Europe BMW and decided to built better cars. 2003, BYD purchased a car factroy. 2008 automobile salon in Geneva.
Mass suitable electric vehicles
While the other exhibits by price or target group are only for a narrow market, this electric scooters are effordable electric mobility for anyone.
Commuter vehicle
The next oil price explosion comes probable before electric cars are in sufficient numbers available. This 82km/h fast electric scooter with 5,5 kW power is a solution.
Wheel hub engine for electric scooters
This wheel hub engine has 5500 Watt. Enough to bring an electric scooter to 82 km/h. 4 of this engines would bring a light small car a good road performance.
Electric column instead of parking meter
A video from the every day life of a car driver in the future. Instead of coins in the parling meter, open with the ID-card the access to the electric power plugs at the electric colnumn.
Refuel column for electric cars
At the begin and the end of the charging, it is necessary to hold the id-card to the column. So a flap over the plugs can be opened.
Greenpeace vs rattle stink scooters?
Electric scooters are state of the technic in the 45km/h class, so forbid authorization for gasoline scooters, ban driving of gasoline scooters in environment zones.
Greenpeace for solar duty?
Solar duty for new buildings! In 10 years can the whole amount of electric power for electric mobility be produced with photovoltaic!
Greenpeace vs electric cars
Since 1992, PEGE publishes about electric mobility, the princip of 2 phase change, about houses producing enough electric power by solar energy to support also mobility.
Greenpeace BMW Mini
1993, Robert Santner introduced the GEMINI house planned by PEGE to Greenpeace in Vienna. The energy speaker of Greenpeace anwered at this time:
Greepeace demonstration without communication
Again and again, I tried until the end of the demonstration to discuss with the Greenpeace activists. Regretfully, all my efforts had been unavailing.