Boycott fossile technology at buying cars

As long as the car producers have nothing better to offer, continue to drive Your old car until it falls apart. Force the big companies

  Minimum requirements to purchase a new car

  • Recharge at every power outlet
  • Minimum 50km range in city traffic in electric only mode.
I had a similar condition 2002. I wanted 2002 to purchase a new notebook. But all economical notebooks with mobile P III disappeared and had been replaced by unusable so called "mobile" P4. As I purchased finally April 2003 my Acer Travelmate 800, my old Gericom Silver Seraph was only a wreck anymore. But I did not want to spend money for something not matching my requirements.

At this time, it happened often, that I asked in a computer shop "I want a notebook running 7 hours on batteries". Salesman: "We do not have something like this". "Okay, than I have to defer my purchase until You can offer me something, I am ready to spent my money".

The most extrem case was a ban to enter the shop as I asked for an energy saving server The company throwing me out of the shop was 3 month later bankrupt.

  2007 fun at economizing CO2

From wasting time in traffic jams and for searching a parking lots to an electric scooter driver. When will it be possible to replace my fossile car?

Use a car for longer time Use a car for longer time
To persist the purchase boycott until the industriy offers decent cars, it can be necessary to use the current car for a distinct longer time.

German manufacturers against CO2 reduction from EU
The reduction to 120g CO2/km until 2012 wanted by the EU is very generous. Nevertheless, the organization of German manufacturers is against it.

Public traffic no help against climate change
Many ´politicians should free up from the illusion that public traffic could reduce CO2 emissions. We need an environment friendly motorized individual traffic.

Support the EU commission at the CO2 reduction
Just 2 days after our call for boycott against fossile car technology are EU plans against CO2 monsters published. Let us show the car manufactures what sort of cars we want!

Franz alt spreads out future fear
After the German ministry for traffic Wolfgang Tiefensee was clear for an environment friendly car traffic, cross shots from a well know source.