During the Intersolar fair in Freiburg, the Solon inc. established a solar filling station at the place of the old synagogue and offered some Vectrix maxi scooter for test driving.
Photovoltaic in front of the Albert Ludwigs university
8 kW Peak solar tracking photovoltaic is this system to recharge the electric scooters during the Intersolar 2007 in front of the Albert Ludwigs university.
Maxi Scooter at the solar filling station
4 Vectrix at recharging at the solar filling station while the ohters are underway for test driving.
CO2 carbon dioxide protest action
Carbon dioxide molecules at a protest action against electric mobility and photovoltaic. With CO2 stop no thanks, they express the oppinion of many stick-in-the-muds fossiles.
Test driving at the place at the old synagogue
6 persons on their first test drive on a Vectrix electric scooter in front of the place at the old synagogue. Who has no motorcycle criving licence is give an lift by the personal.