Swap electricity oilEven when Plug-in Hybrid cars use less than 1 litre fuel from crude oil for 100km, even this reduction is in the long run not enough. More potentail for reduction by electric power.
It's not usefull to put more and more batteries in a car to have more percent of travels with electric power. A reasonable upper limit is between 100 and 200km electric only range. But how to reduce the fuel consumption for long travels?
The price of the fuel cell and low range are against hydrogen. Even at only 10,000.-EUR more price for the fuel cell compared to an ICE internal combustion engine, profitability is practical never reached.
The 4 kg pressure tank for hydrogen enables only 480km range with the fuel cell. An engine optimized for Methan would have 1440km range with the same tank filled with methan instead of hydrogen.
The hydrogen age commes, but complete different from our contemporarily imaginations. The hydrogen does not come in the tanks of our vehicles, but will be used before to improve biomass and crude oil. To bring the maximum amount of solar electric power in the tank, the fuel with the lowest carbon part is preferred.. Methan and Methanol as the ideal fuel of the future. |