Renault Kangoo CO2 emission city traffic

The Kangoo is an ideal study object about the CO2 emission of different drive concepts, because it exists as gasoline, diesel, natural gas and plug-in-hybrid vehicle.

  European norm consumption in city traffic

Drive energy CO2 emission g/km
Gasolin 9.6 Litre
Diesel 6.7 Litre
Natural gas 8.3 kg
Lignite 14,4 kWh
German electricity mix 2007
Natural gas
Austrian electricity mix
Austrian railways electricity mix
Photovoltaic / Wind energy

In city traffc has an electric drive a much better efficiency then a ICE internal combustion engine.

Even with electric power from lignite is the elctric version better than the natural gas and diesel version.

CO2 carbon dioxide
Overview about different aspects of the green house gas prolems. Above all, what will it cost to reach again the normal state?

Hybrid cars
Why arrived the hybrid car not earlier. What problems solves the hybrid car? Can the hybrid succeed against cars with hydrogen and fuel cells?

Renault Kangoo
Table of contents about all our contributions about Renault Kangoo, Peugeot Partner, Citroen Berlingo, Fiat Doblo.

  CO2 and mobility

How much greenhousegases GHG are emitted at what sort of mobility? What sort of mobility is possible according to climate change and other limiting factors?

45 km/h scooter CO2 emission 45 km/h scooter CO2 emission
The electric scooter with lead batteries is even with electric power from a lignite power plant better than a 4 stroke engine scooter. The red lantern of the worst has the 2 stroke engine scooter.

Renault Kangoo carbon dioxide out of town Renault Kangoo carbon dioxide out of town
Out of town has also the ICE internal combustion engine a good efficiency. The total superiority of the electric drive system is out of town clearly smaller.

BMW 7 hydrogen BMW 7 hydrogen
Electrolysis and liquefaction of hydrogen requires much electric power. The vehicle needs about 8 times more electric power than a plug-in-hybrid of the same size.

Bicycle CO2 emission Bicycle CO2 emission
Also the production of aliments causes the emission of GHG green house gases. So even the bicycle driver can not be spared out of a CHG emission calculation.

Economize CO2 by renewable energy Economize CO2 by renewable energy
Usually, the electric power production by renewable energy is compared with the production by fossile energy and the CO2 saving is calculated by this.

Carbon dioxide values and how they are calculated
It often happens, that different CO2 emissions are published for the same process. Overview about different methods to calculate the GHG emissions of a process.

Context description:  delivery deliverycar deliverycars deliveryvan deliveryvans
Co2 carbondioxide Ghg greenhousegas Emission Co2emission carbondioxideemission Ghgemission greenhousegasemission Emissons Co2emissons carbondioxideemissons Ghgemissons greenhousegasemissons study Co2study carbondioxidestudy Ghgstudy greenhousegasstudy studies Co2studies carbondioxidestudies Ghgstudies greenhousegasstudies traffic mobility trafficemission mobilityemission trafficemissons mobilityemissons trafficstudy mobilitystudy trafficstudies mobilitystudies event events date time month 8 Aug August summer