Age of hydrogenIt becomes more and more plausible, that the prophets of the hydrogen age had been 2 places of the periodical system wrong. Not hydrogen but Lithium is the solution.
You can drill for mineral oil or natural gas. You can mine for coal. But from where comes hydrogen? You can gain hydrogen by electrolysis of water, but the required electric power is unproportionately more, than to gain with a fuel cell out of the hydrogen.
The prophets of the hydrogen age pushed their prophecies at a time as the world of battery technolgy was only from lead. Lead is not only for the human a poisonous heavy metal, but also for electric cars. As long as there are only lead batteries, the electric car has only a sluggishly wall flower existence. Battery technology based on Lithium conquers application by application the world of batteries. First at mobile phones and notebooks. The conquest of a new application followed always the same path. First some high end products, some years later the complete market down to cheap mass products. Today, it's hard to find a notebook or mobile phone withoug Lithium battery. At electric tools, it started 2005 at the high end products.
All what had been proclaimed for decades as the advantages of hydrogen and fuel cells is today surpassed by other technologies. |