Fair report Part 3: Two-wheel vehicles from an electric bicycle up to a Maxi Scooter. Part 1: in general and special vehicles, part 2: Cars from sports-car up to the transporter.
Vectrix Maxiscooter
Tax-free, 20 kW engine and 6.8 seconds from 0 on 80 km/h. 3.7 kWh NiMh battery gives 110 kms range. This made the Vectrix Maxi Scooter the sensation on EVER Monaco.
Vectrix Maxi Scooter acceleration
6.8 seconds from 0 to 80 km/h. To move these figures in a video failed in the first attempt, the acceleration unusually high for electric vehicles was to surprising.
Video-receptions with the fair-sensation
The Vectrix Maxi scooters had been probably the most filmed object on the EVER Monaco. Which motorcycle would be better suitable for the camerawoman, than a quiet Vectrix?
Drive tax-free motorcycle
In England motorcycles have a tax badge. This tax board mounted on a quick Vectrix Maxi Scooter points: Tax-free, NIL, nothing, 0 pounds of tax.
20 kW electric motor in the back wheel
No chain or cardan shaft necessary. The brushless electric engine together
with the one gear is direct at the rear wheel. Maintenance-free for the life span of the Maxi Scooter.
Maxi Scooter with reverse gear
If one turns the gas grip in the reverse direction, the motor becomes a generator to recharge the battery. Standing, the gas grip becomes even a slow reverse gear.
Prince Albert visits an electric Maxi Scooter
What may the prince probably have thought at the Vectrix? Maybe about how much better the inhabitants of his principality could sleep if all motorcycles would be so quiet?
Scooter extrem cheap
GoWatt offers his elektro scooter for 1249 - EUR. With 3...4 kWh of electricity instead of 3...4 liters of gasoline plus lubricating oil. A price which gives the 2 stroke rattle stink scooter no chance.
Scooter consumption
Between fully and blank of the tank meter are only 2 kWh electric power for less than 40 Cent. After 4 years with 7500km each year is the difference in operating expenses
Electric scooter with lithium batteries
Instead of 2 kWh of battery with 60 kg of weight a lithium battery with 3 kWh of capacity raises the reach from 70 to 100 kms. The lighter lithium battery brings a better acceleration.
Hybrid scooter
Up to 40 km/h electrically, faster with the internal combustion engine. However, who would start the noisy engine, after he had enjoyed the almost silent gliding?
Scooter with front-wheel drive
The internal combustion engine propels the back wheel. In the front wheel is an electric motor. In the electric mode the hybrid scooter becomes a motorbike with front-wheel drive.
Scooter with hydrogen fuel cell
Beside all electric scooters in mutually price fight and against the fossil rattel stink scooter, this hydrogen scooter looks exotic.
Electric bicycles
As soon as one pedals, the electric motor starts to help. Something like a bicycle
with built in tail wind.
Electric folding bicycle
Park and Ride, once in the outskirts park the car and then go on with electric tail wind on the bicycle.
Loading station electric bicycle
The battery can be taken by the handle easily into the apartment. This makes the electric bicycle an alternative to the electric scooter if no outlet is at the parking lot.
One person electric scooter
With energy saving 25km/h, the range is 40km. The weight of this 2 wheel vehicle with lead acid batteries is 59kg.
Electric 2 wheel vehicle for the postman
The same 2 wheel vehicle for the professional usage. Jam-bags and lithium batteries to provide, that the mailman can carry all and does not run out of electric power.
Until now, was nature-pleasure and quad driving incompatibly. Now, it goes fortunately also quietly because electric. The real nature-friend puts only electric power produced by sun or wind into the tank.
Quad motor and differential
Left above the rear-axis the electric motor, right the differential. Over the license plate the always carried along battery charger.
Electroquad with Shell sticker
What means a Shell sticker on an electric quad? Oh yes! This means that the electoquad is only recharged by a Shell photovoltaic!
Ranger silent in wood
With an electric quad almost silently driving through the forest. By this way, the ranger sees probably easily 10 times more animals than with a noisy combustion engine.