Renewable reach of cars

The renewable reach is given in km of road performance per square meter of harvest surface and year. In addition the type of the harvest surface and the way from the harvest up to the tire.

  Limited planet surface

Nowadays is biodiesel in Germany cheaper than Diesel. But this does not help, when only the car traffic would use up 300.000 square kilometers agricultural surface. 40 millions high efficient cars with 15,000 kms per year and 5 liters on 100 kms would use up almost the whole state surface for biodiesel monoculture.

  High quality harvest surface

Thus becomes already clear with the first calculation: It is necessary to yield much more per squaremeter than a rape field or sunflower field can deliver fuel. The most effective harvest surface for fuel is nowadays the photovoltaic. If we take again 40 millions economic cars with 15,000 kms per year and 18 kWh on 100 kms, there are only 1080 square kilometers.

No need to destroy the nature. A little bit what has place on the roof surfaces of the houses. It takes up 1 square meter photovoltaic with an about 300 times bigger agricultural surface if it is about the production of fuel.

  Transference chain up to the tire

This counts to electric cars, which in the transference chain of the photovoltaic about the battery to the electric engine and the tires. A much longer and inefficient way is fuel cell with hydrogen. Looses from the efficiency of the electrolyse to the efficiency of the fuel cell.

Traffic energy and environment
Increasing oil price and more and more consequences of the climate change will enforce an environment friendly mobility.

  Car - automotives news of 2005

How looks like the future of mobility? What engine and fuel concept will succeed? Can biomass replace crude oil? Where is an electric cars superior?

Fair reports 2005 around cars and camping
Overview about our fair reports from 2005 about cars and camping.

Will car driving be after the crude oil a luxus?
The renewable reach of different propulsion concepts gives the answer. Depending on propulsion concept a luxus or affordable for all the mankind.

Gasoline more expensive than photovoltaic
The Peugeot 106 is a typicall small car. Most time used as a second car for the wife and mother for every day usage like shopping or bringing the children to school.

Short distances cheaper because of exepnsive oil
Looks for the first very contradictorily, that something becomes cheaper because of expensive oil. But a look on the propulsion concept clears up the paradox.

Cheap energy as a barrier against progress
Cheap energy Energie means cheap botch-up solutions instead of quality. Let's look on our cars and it's immediately clear what means cheap energy creates cheap botch up.

Air condition in critical reviewed
Extrem cold draft in a car creates for sensitive people health problems. A very good example how cheap energy creates again and again cheap botch up solutions.

Car industry: Miscount China
There are 2 different strategies for the business with China. 1.) Sell existing models to China. 2.) check new concepts for a reasonable mobility.

Dilemma car sales
The automobile industry at the border of growth. More sales increase the demand for crude oil and this leads in a growth to less sales.

Energy consumption for garbage separation Energy consumption for garbage separation
Some empty plastic boxes are brought less than 1 km to the next container. The fuel usage on this short distance against the use of the separated garbage.

With the car to seperate the garbage With the car to seperate the garbage
A warm summer evening, nevertheless 8,9 l/100km for the short distance. In winter could be the consumption 12l/100km

Context description:  renewable reach range of cars photovoltaic compare compared comparison to biomass
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