Will car driving be after the crude oil a luxus?The renewable reach of different propulsion concepts gives the answer. Depending on propulsion concept a luxus or affordable for all the mankind.
150 million km² mainland are just right now for 6 billion people. Let's take 7,5 billion people for the time when oil evident runs short. This means 20.000 m² or 2 ha for one human. A general affordable solutions has to be realized on this 2ha. All what uses up more than 2 ha area is a luxury for a few people, a source of social tensions and wars.
Let's take a typical middle class car with 5 litre Diesel for 100km and 15.000km per year makes 750 litres. 7.500m² surface. Die I mention before, that this 2 ha are containing also deserts, steppes, tundras and mountains? Residentail areas, streets, agricultural areas have also to remain.
Let's take 3 people and an one family house. All on 450 m² real estate, So each inhabitant has 150m² share. The house obviously a plus energy house. Who could afford in the time after the crude oil an other house? Even with 2 cars for the 3 inhabitants no problem with the fuel. The photovoltaic roof with low temperature heat production delivers 12.000 kWh per year. Warm water, heating and domestic electric power require 4.000 kWh per year Even when the two electric cars use 4.500 kWh per year, the plus energy house can still deliver 3.500 kWh per year to energy intensive industries. |