Solar energy: Difference summer and winter

The teamwork of photovoltaic and biomass in a time where crude oil can no more keep up in the price as an energy source.

Photovoltaic delivers in Geramny In winter only 1/4 so much energy like in summer. We will reach once the point where during a sunny summer day almost the whole electric power comes from photovoltaic systems. However, also in this time the solar electric power production would be only a small part in winter time.

Biomass power stations could contribute in this time to the rest. However, biomass power stations are costly investments. Costly investments with low extent of utilization would raise the price of the power of biomass.

  Switch from electric power to fuel production

A solution is the fuel production. If enough electric power exists, the wooden gas is used in the diesel production if electric power is required, the wooden gas is processed in the gas engine to electric power and heat.

  Not enough biomass for the today's mobility

Even if one harvests in Austria, a land very rich in wood, about 10 million metric tons of wood per year more, there would be this scarcely 1 billion liters of diesel, 125 liters per inhabitant. 1,000 square kilometers of oil plants would still bring 100 million liters, again 12.5 liters per inhabitant. With it it becomes clear: for the today's mobility with 100% of internal combustion engines the biomass is by far not enough.

  Hybrid car 80% electric power 20% of internal combustion engine

Most owners of electric cars have 2 cars. The electric car for all everyday journeys which are to be mastered with the modest reach of an electric car and a conventional car for all other journeys. A chargeable hybrid car combines both cars in one. All short everyday journeys with electric power, on longer journeys starts the combustion engine.

  Wood to the motoring

In emergency times like the oil shortage in the 2nd world war already once practiced: Motoring with wood. With modern technology it also goes without carried along wooden stove in the car.

Research station diesel of wood Research station diesel of wood
Immediately beside wood power plant in Güssing is a research equipment for the possibility to generate a fuel similar to diesel of wood.

Fischer-Tropsch experimental in Güssing Fischer-Tropsch experimental in Güssing
With the product gas from the wood gasification a diesel similar fuel is produced here in the research laboratory.

Provisional result diesel of wood Provisional result diesel of wood
Not at all like diesel looks the product of the lab arrangement. Then in the lab it is refined to diesel. 1 liter of diesel-like fuel from 10 kg of wood will possibly be it.

Consumption: 3 liters VW LUPO against Peugeot 106 electric
How many kg of wood on 100 kms use both tests canditates? After it is possbile to generate from 1 kg wood 0.1 liters diesel or 1.13 kWh electric power, the comparison becomes possible.

Context description:  Diesel from wood experiment test experiments tests Austria Burgenland Güssing event events date time month 6 June spring summer