Solar energy: Developing country Italy

Unfortunately, the Solarexpo has pointed only very clearly: What concerns the use of solar energy, Italy is a subnormal developing country. Huge need to catch up.

  Indicator exhibition space

I searched desperately the remaining fair halls where I expected all the announced exhibit pieces to "renewable mobility in towns". But these were no more than 2 medium sized fair halls.

  Indicator presented technology

The most modern domestic hot water technology is a plate heat exchanger on the heating water buffer. I met on the Wels energy savings fair 4 different exhibitors claiming all their system is the best most modern and most secure technology. Help! How to wirte a very objective test report on all 4 suppliers?

I found on the Solarexpo no supplier with flat plate heat exchanger for the immediately fresh hot-water production. Only the solution with many bends through the heating water buffer.

  Indicator presentation

Similar situations like in the fair entrance, pretty female booth staff without knowledge, was found in some exhibition stands. The experts only hidden in the closed part of the booth.

  Solar energy Italy: fair Solarexpo in Vicenza

A letter with invitation and 2 free tickets and the program point technologies for a lasting urban mobility brought us to visit on the 19th of May, 2005 the fair in Italy.

Woman discriminiation in Italy Woman discriminiation in Italy
Directly with the fair entrance, 2 exhibits stood as a main attraction for the point urban mobility. Almost every visitor asks after engineering details.

Bicycle with fuel cell Bicycle with fuel cell
On the fair every information was refused. On top there might be an 1 liter bottle with hydrogen. With 300 bar filling pressure well for 27 grams of hydrogen with 900 Wh energy content.

Fuel cell motor scooter Fuel cell motor scooter
Which advantages should a fuel cell have about the new generation from high power lithium ion batteries? For a typical short range vehicle are only disadvantages.

Bendable photovoltaic Bendable photovoltaic
These bandable photovoltaic foils of Sharp should come in 2006 on the market. These might be especially interesting for many automotive applications.

Preregistered on the Solarexpo in 2005
Online registration, print out the form, give it at the entrance. However, we had to wait half a hour in the queue to exchange the print outs against tickets. Technique college of  Wels
In comparison with then embarrassing situation on the Solarexpo in Italy, a very similar presentation on Welser energy savings fair in Austria: Eurosolar Italy
By absolute minimalism struck the exhibition stand Eurosolar Italy. A table and 2 chairs without booth staff, a stand for advertising material without advertising material. Solar collector with boiler
One will never find arrangements of this kind in Austria or further to the north. This easy arrangement is suitable only for regions where the boiler can never freeze. Boiler in the roof with solar collector
This systems are widespread In advanced lands like Israel to the hot-water preparation. We wish the exhibitor to have similar success in Italy.

Context description:  developing subnormal country countries
solar energy solarenergy power solarpower fair solarfair fairs solarfairs exhibition solarexhibition exhibitions solarexhibitions Italia Italian event events date time month 5 May spring