Motor scooter as an electric vehicle

Electric vehicles can only be sold in high numbers, if they are an advantage for the normal consumer. As a prove of this thesis the IO-Scooter electric scooter.

  Motor scooter as an electric vehicle
Electric vehicles can only be sold in high numbers, if they are an advantage for the normal consumer. As a prove of this thesis the IO-Scooter electric scooter.

Unfortunately, my test run on the IO-Scooter fell victim to the ice-cold weather.

1,990. EUR for the substitute of the rattlle stink scooters, for it 4 kWh on 100 kms instead of 4 liters of gasoline and lubricant, no servicing of spark plugs and chain because not there might be very impressive arguments for every youngster.

This is amusing shown in a commerciall where fellows discuss at the gas station on extreme loud tuned machines every HP. A girl comes and goes with another fellow on the IO-Scooter. WHY? The scream of the disdained. Because he has just still enough money to invite her.
Directory over all our reports about scooters. All our articles about a scooter.

  Eurosolar electric cars meeting Maria Enzersdorf

Between dreary present and a shining future for the electric actuation of vehicles. New batteries and the concept chargeable hybrid vehicle gives hope.

Maria Enzersdorf: Renualt Clio of the municipality Maria Enzersdorf: Renualt Clio of the municipality
The municipality Maria Enzersdorf, the host of the event, uses in his fleet also an electric Renault Clio.

Ledl AS Electro Ledl AS Electro
Ledl stood in the 80s for hope for a cheap sports car. In 1990 a Ledl was bought without engine from the Braunsteiner battery construction for the rebuilding to an electric car.

Suzuki Carry as an electric car Suzuki Carry as an electric car
Kurt Schumacher and his Suzuki Carry altered to an electric car. 109,000 kms in 16 years and very many mountain passes has this vehicle already behind itself without to remain lying ever.

Ledl AS with 6 of 30 NiCd batteries
In the boot can be 6 from 30 nickel cadmium batteries seen. Every battery has 5 cells, 6 volts of nominal tension, 100 Ah capacity. 18 kWh are therefore available for driving. NickelCadmiumBattery
There are In front other 11 batteries . The first row 4 piece, 2 rows with 4 pieces and then again 3 batteries because there is on the right in the picture the container  for windscreen wiper water. 3 kW of battery charger in the boot
18 kWh of batteries propel the Ledl AS up to 160kms. Then it is charged again with this adjustable 3 kW of battery charger. Solar cells on the Ledl AS
.The small solar module in front on the Ledl serves for reloading of 12 V  battery. 12 V system for the lighting is independent from the batteries for the electric drive. Suzuki Carry store with 12 batteries of lead
These 12 batteries of lead allow about 160 kms of reach. What would be if? If this was no additional rebuilding, no battery of lead, but lithium ion batteries from Valence? Photovoltaic for light during the day
The small photovoltaic equipment in the roof serves for the lighting. As with the Ledl AS the battery system of the drive, here with 144 V, is seperated from the 12 V  light system. Motor scooter as an electric vehicle
Electric vehicles can only be sold in high numbers, if they are an advantage for the normal consumer. As a prove of this thesis the IO-Scooter electric scooter. Panel discussion about future mobility
On the left the vegetable oil discussants on the right side the electric car discussant. There is the bridge between them missing:: the chargeable hybrid vehicle. World store Perchtoldsdorf
In spite of the good cold refreshment bar on the event, I can not withstand chocolate coated nuts on the booth of the world store.

Context description:  electric electro car electrocar cars electrocars meeting event meetings events in Austria Maria Enzersdorf date time month 11 Nov November autumn fall