Gasoline station test

The tax inspector says, I should really belive, that this white paper is a fuel bill over 80.-EUR? 80.-EUR company expenses less.

  Gasoline station test
The tax inspector says, I should really belive, that this white paper is a fuel bill over 80.-EUR? 80.-EUR company expenses less.

  The thermal printer and the tease bill

You refuel Your car and get a bill. But it is not a real bill. You can put a real bill in Your book keeping folder and after the end of the statutable time to store all bills, You can read the bill. No! You did not receive such a bill, You receive a tease bill. You put the the bill in Your book keeping folder. 5 years later, a tax inspector wants to see the bill and makes jokes about Your white paper.

You can make a copy of Your bill, but this is work. So we want to force all gasoline stations to print real durable bills.


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