Family ski region Dachstein West: A10 Hallein

Most ski drivers from Germany come about the A10 Tauern - highway. Only 12 kms up to the departure Golling, from where it goes on to the ski area Dachstein West.

Family ski region Dachstein West:  A10 Hallein
Most ski drivers from Germany come about the A10 Tauern - highway.  Only 12 kms up to the  departure Golling, from where it  goes on to the ski area Dachstein West.

Austria Salzburg travel journal
Table of contents about all our records of jouneys to the region Salzburg in Austria.

  Dachstein West - the family ski area

Photos of a ski tour of 3 hour on Saturday 20th December, 2003 from the 8 person gondola Hornbahn in Russbach up to the Rauhenberg parking lot at Annaberg.

Family skiing region Dachstein West:  A10 exit Golling
On the highway A10, comes after the departures Salzburg south, Hallein, Kuchl the departure Golling Abtenau . Here you leave the Tauern - highway. Winter sport Austria Dachstein West:  crossing Lammertal
Shortly after the highway departure Golling Abtenau you come to a branching out. They drive to the left in the direction of Bad Gosiern, Radstadt, Abtenau in Lammertal. Winter sport Salzburg Dachstein West:  Abtenau
20.6 kms after the highway exit: They drive through by the whole place Abtenau. From the shield “ local end Abtenau “ there are still 2 kms to the branching out Russbach -  Annaberg. Austia ski area Dachstein West:  crossing Russbach
22.6 kms after the highway exit Golling you come to the branching out  Russbach Annaberg. Both places are entrance points in the ski region Dachstein West. Austria ski region Dachstein West:  sign Russbach
22.8 kms after the departure Golling: to the course of the left turn after farther  on the Bundess -streat  to Russbach. Austria skiing area Dachstein West:  sign Hornbahn
You see 30.6 kms after the highway departure Golling this shield. 200 ms after the shield to the right to the parking lot of Russbacher Hornbahn  turn off. Austria skiing region Dachstein West:  parking area Russbach
You reach 30.8 kms after the departure Golling the parking lot. In this overview board you can find out about all lifts of the ski region Dachstein  west. Sking in Austria: Dachstein West:  Russbacher Horn
Start of our ski excursion: with the  8 gondolas up to the Russbacher Horn. Sking in Salzburg: Dachstein West:  Gosau or Annaberg
The departure 11 goes again down to the valley station of the Hornbahn, but we want to Annaberg over. Thus departure 2 about the level connecting piece to the lift Falmberg. Family ski area Dachstein West:  Falmberg
On the way from Russbach after Annaberg over it farther goes to the Falmberg lift . Family ski region Dachstein West:  Falmberg T-bar lift
The Falmberg T-bar lift, is partially very level. Family skiing area Dachstein West:  Falmberg panorama
By the climbing out from the mountain Falmberg, T-bar lift ,  one can decide between  Russbach Gosau in the one and Zwieselalm and  Annaberg in other direction. Family skiing region Dachstein West:  Edtalm T-bar lift
On the other way to Zwieselalm and after Annaberg we go past to the T-bar lift Edtalm. Winter sport Austria Dachstein West:  Höhbühelbahn
From the valley station of the lift Edtalm the Höhhüblbahn chairlift  already from wide ones was to be seen in the panorama completely on the right. Now we arrive  by the valley station. Winter sport Salzburg Dachstein West:  Höhbühelbahn up
With the 6 chairlifts in each case it goes up on the Höhhübel. To the next stage purpose on the way from  Russbach to Annaberg. Austia ski area Dachstein West:  Höhbühel Panorama
By the mountain station of the Höhhübelbahn arrive one can decide again between  Russbach, Gosau,  Zwieselalm, and Annaberg. Austria ski region Dachstein West:  branch glacier sight
Own lift leads to the Gletscher look. We drive further in the direction Annaberg. Austria skiing area Dachstein West:  mountain panorama
Before an impressive mountain panorama it goes down to the valley station of the Zwieselalm chairlift 2. Austria skiing region Dachstein West:  Zwieselalm lift 2
By the valley station of the Zwieselalmbahn 2, one can also make a stop.  But for it is no time, because we have started a lot too late with the ski excursion.. Sking in Austria: Dachstein West:  Zwieselalm sight
By the mountain station of the Zwieselalmbahn 2 a nice mountain panorama expects us. Sking in Salzburg: Dachstein West:  Zwieselalm Panorama
Look back to the chairlift  that us just on the Zwieselalm above has brought. Family ski area Dachstein West:  Panorama Zwieselalm
About 50 ms of the climbing out on the Zwieselalm: Back it went more than 9 after  Russbach and Gosau. However, we farther go to  Annaberg, Gosaukammbahn and Törleckbahn. Family ski region Dachstein West:  Solar Alm
Briefly below the Zwieselalm fully in the deep-standing postmidday sun,  the   solar alp loads to stay one. Family skiing area Dachstein West:  sight mountain
With this chairlift one can do upwards to big  panorama look  again. Family skiing region Dachstein West:  sight mountain lift
Mountain scenery of  the chairlift on the view mountain photographed. Winter sport Austria Dachstein West:  Rauhenbach parking lot
One hour earlier than planned we reach the Holzerhüttn at Rauhenbach parking lot. To explore time enough around the still lift on other side of the street. Winter sport Salzburg Dachstein West:  Astauwinkel lift
Even near in  Annaberg than the Rauhenbach parking lot one gets about the chairlift  Astauwinkelbahn. Austia ski area Dachstein West:  Astauwinkel
The last sunshine on our ski airing.The driving downhill  to the vallei station of the Astauwinkelbahn and to the Rauhenbach Parkplatz lies already in the shade.

Context description:  family friendly Austria Austrian Salzburg Dachstein West Ski Skiing area Skiarea Skiingarea areas Skiareas Skiingareas region Skiregion Skiingregion regions Skiregions Skiingregions tourismus info tourism information event events date time month 12 Dec December autumn fall winter