Electric cars: only useful with solar energy

An electric car is as long senseless as the power is produced in a coal or an atomic power plant.

The energy track project is only the last part of a big plot to lead humanity to the solar age
  1. The Nomad Magic motorhome is the first demonstration for the automobile industry how useful Photovoltaic is.

  2. The Solar Comfort for cars project will increase photovoltaic world market in order to make photovoltaic cheap.

  3. GEMINI inhabited solar power plants shows the new demands for architecture:
    a house should produce as much electric power by the sun as possible.

  4. The last part in the general plan is the Energy Track in order to bring the power to the cars.
A big chance and great changes for the electric power industry:
  • The energy track system gives the electric power industry a new market
  • The energy demand of this market can be only satisfied with solar energy
  • Decentral solar energy production makes it necessary that electric power industry changes position from producer to distributor
  • The highway study shows how much money for this industry lies on the street
If You are an environment protector now confused how friendly PEGE is with the energy industry, we have to explain something for You:
  • PEGE is here for new solutions
  • PEGE is not here to wail about how terrible is... , because this brings nothing
  • Innovations will only happen if the big money sees a chance to become biger

  1996 Solar comfort for cars

How to enlarge the photovoltaic world market as fast as possible? PEGE comes at this future question for mankind on the roofs of the cars.

Photovoltaic world market forecast Photovoltaic world market forecast
We studied all the data about market pervasion from airbag, air-condition and ABS brake system and applied the data to our solar comfort for cars project:

Colors used in the chart from the PV world market forecast
Forecast from May 1996 about the expected development of the photovoltaic world market. You can download pv_world.xls (117 kb) to view the data for the prognosis.

Solar energy for cars to develop photovoltaic world market
PEGE developed in May 1996 a strategic project to enlarge the photovoltaic world market. A great venture capital investment possibility!

PEGE viewpoint: solar strategy with opinion leaders
In the next 40 years, the world production of Photovoltaic has to be 10000 times higher. That is necessary to save humanity from disaster.