Speedsters are slow

Consumption, wear, punishments, repairs, total losses and higher assurance costs do the speedster after time involved calculated the most lame driver.

Provided that a speedster is not full-time a son and successor of rich parents, he must earn for the motoring money by himself.

  The true tempo of a motorist

driven km
( Running time + working hours + hospital )

To include for the costs of the motoring necessary working hours in the average speed makes a lame duck out of the speedster. Such a lame duck, that even a comfortably sightseeing grandma is much faster.

Want to win somewhere 1 minute with a mania-witty overtake maneuver, faces there to the risk that, nevertheless, somebody meets.

It is a luck in the misfortune if, besides, the oncomming so far makes way that there are only 2 total losses. Outherwise several months hospital or in the worst case 18-year time out to be old enough again in the next life time for the driving license.

Whole motorcade on the mountain Gaisberg overtakes
A youthful speedster tried to overtake this whole motorcade downhill on the mountain Gaisberg street briefly before an unclear curve. Accident opponent after head-on collision
By my escape maneuver on the upright slope, there were with the head-on less than 10% coverage. The car turned about 120 degrees from the direction of the traffic. Economic total loss
After I saw approaching from the curve next the accident opponent to myself, I made way so far like it without estimate danger possibly on the slope.

Road traffic - public traffic Road traffic - public traffic
Where are the borders of reasonable public traffic? How are this borders moved by new technology? Introduction of new solutions and contributions about road saefety.

Road security
Many people wonder, how they survived their wild young years. Contributions about road security and bringing up the idea, that spedster are in reality very slow.

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event events date time 20 century